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Saturday, August 7, 2010

All good things come to an end

What do you do when you have a two year old that is full of life and energy that can no longer be contained by a gate to areas of the house that are off limits? Not sure of that answer at this time as we have reached that point in our lives. Our sweet Makenna Kate has learned to jump up and down on the gate release until she has the momentum she needs to open the door of the gate. Mamma Kim better get lots of rest or plan massive activities before Monday morning. My sweet little baby was so proud of herself when she repeated that task not once but repeatedly today.One of the many other things she has accomplished this week includes being abel to open, at will, any door in the house and the ones leading outside. Hopefully she cannot unlock the deadbolt locks on the outside doors just yet.
It hardly seems possible that almost two years have passed since we brought that precious baby home from the hospital. Times flies so quickly. My goodness how my life has changed in the last two years and how much love has filled my heart for that precious baby girl.

Mamma Kim

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