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Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas with the Culhanes

We do not have the traditional meal for Christmas at Mimi and Daddy Bill's. The menu consists of hot biscuits, eggs, bacon, ham, sausage, and jelly along with a full menu of Christmas desserts. I love that menu for Christmas and cannot think of anything else I would rather eat. That brings back sweet memories of my childhood Christmases as that is what we had then also. UGH, Stephen hates putting toys together and he had numerous things to put together tonight. Just think Stephen, this is not all, you have a full night ahead of you later with other things to put together.
Annacarmie has to help with the instructions after Mamma Kim and Stephen did not see eye to eye about how things needed to be done.

Drew liked his new toys if Makenna Kate would leave then alone so he could play with them.

Mamma Kim and my sweet baby girl, Makenna KateChristmas at Mimi and Daddy Bill's is always chaos, loud and crazy. This year was even louder and crazier as we added a 2 year old and an 8 month old to the mix. My it has been a while since we have had children that young there for Christmas. Makenna Kate is full of life and energy as well as a typical only child who wants to be the center of attention. I am so glad she feels good because it is at those times I know and am thankful she is not sick but the squealing and dragging everything out of the cabinets drives Mimi crazy when she is trying to cook.

This year has been a really fun year for Makenna Kate. She has enjoyed opening all of her own presents as well as the presents for everyone else.

Drew got all the good toys for Christmas, at least according to Makenna Kate. We are really going to have to work a lot more on sharing and playing with other children.
Stephen aka Earl, the gift must be really good with that goofy grin on your face.
The girls gift of the year this year was Chamilla bracelets for those who did not have them and new charms for the ones that did. Annacarmie wanted birthstone charms for her bracelet. Not only did she get those she got other charms that represent something in her life; a charm to represent her birthday, Makenna Kate's birthday, a cross to represent her faith in God, a little girl charm to represent her precious little girl. That filled her bracelet now she can look at it and remember all those things the charms represent and remember to thank God every day for those blessings. Gillian did not have a bracelet so she got one this year with several charms; a little boy representing Drew, a birthstone charm for Will and Drew's birthday, a nutcracker for Will because he has a large collection of them, and a heart to represent the love she and Will have for each other. Even Mimi got some birthstone charms for the grandchildren that she did not have.

Annacarmie, Stephen, Will and Gilliam got Mimi and Daddy Bill a frame with pictures from this year of Makenna Kate and Drew. Now the thousand dollar question is where the frame will go. There is hardly one inch in Mimi's house that is not cluttered with her "stuff".

Makenna Kate loves to feed Man-Man whether he is hungry or not. Guess what, he has his daddy's appetite and is always hungry. Those Cheerios sure do taste good. He even ate his dinner really well tonight when Aunt Camie fed him. She gives him big enough bites that he can taste the food and he liked that.

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