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Sunday, April 17, 2011

Nanny Pop

Makenna never ceases to amaze me at things that come out of her mouth. Since Drew has a Nanny and Pop she thinks they are her Nanny and Pop also. Friday as we were getting the decorating done for Drew's birthday Makenna and Drew were playing. My little Chatty Kate was talking non stop as usual. I listened to what she was saying and told Gillian she was calling Pop, Nanny-pop. Gillian did not think I was understanding her right until she ask Makenna who that was and she replied as plainly as could be Nanny-pop. From that time on Ronnie was Nanny-pop to Makenna not just Pop. She knows the difference because she calls Janet Nanny. So funny what goes through her little mind. Wonder if Drew will start calling Pop Nanny-pop?

Makenna is just following in her uncle and mothers footsteps because their entire life they called their grandmother Pappaw. Who would have ever thought they would have called her Papaw and it did not seem to bother her that this was they way they referred to her.

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