This day has been a day I would like to not repeat. My, how I forgot how a 2 year old can play havoc. To begin the day, Makenna took the card to my embroidery editing and designing software and I cannot do any design work. Normally, that would not be a huge problem but today it is because I have some design work to do for someone. She would not tell us where she put the card. I had to go to work and did not have time to look for the card. I text Annacarmie and told her we would be tearing the house apart tonight because a new card is 450.00. Buying a new card is not going to happen. Fast forward to after work. I began taking the bed apart to see if I could find card with no luck. As I began to change the sheets while I had bed apart I stuck my hand under the mattress to smooth sheets. Guess what I found? You got it. I found the card stuck between the mattress and box springs as far in there as her arm would fit. Praise the Lord I found it!
Next episode of the day was Makenna pushing a chair up to counter to pour herself some tea. She got herself a glass to pour her own tea and bumped the glass tea pitcher against the granite counter top shattering the pitcher filling the drawers and cabinets with tea. While I was cleaning that mess up I looked around to see what Makenna was doing and she had found stickers that she had plastered all over the sheet rock. Two major cleanup tasks now. Suck tea out of drawers and cabinets, wash the cabinets and drawers, mop the floor, use goo gone to get stickers off the wall. Finally that is done now to the bathtub for a quick bath before Makenna destroys something else.
As I was running water, Makenna was behind me. As I turned around to check on her she had a hand full of hair and scissors at the scalp and I could just see a huge gap. Thank goodness I did not raise my voice to her and scare her. The scissors were not very sharp so she does not have a huge gaping hole where she cut her hair. Yes, she did cut her hair but it just looks like it is layered.
Today has been a day I do not want to remember. We are off to bed to put this day to rest. This day and I both need a rest. No pictures to recount the day. After this much excitement throughout the day there are no pictures to tell the story. After all, I did not want Makenna to get the idea it was ok for her to cut her hair because I was making a picture of the event. Believe me she would have and would probably have done even more next time if I took her picture.
Mamma Kim
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