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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Losing is never easy

This morning began as any morning does.  Annacarmie went to work and Makenna and I were busy getting ready for her last day of school when my phone rang.  It was a call no one is every ready to hear.  Someone had called Annacarmie at work and told her Stephen had been in a car wreck and was  beign air lifted to the hospital.  She left work and went to the hospital to see what the situation really was.  We talked on the phone several times before she told me how serious it really was.  Because I still had Makenna and I felt it necessary to keep her life as normal as possible in this situation,  Stephanie went to the hospital to stay with Annacarmie until I could get there.  Before I dropped Makenna off at school, Annacarmie called to tell me Stephen was gone. 
In shock from all that had happened, I went to hospital to comfort my child and begin the process over the next few days of grieving over the loss of a son-in-law and Makenna's daddy.
Why things like this happen we may never know this side of heaven; however, I do serve a great and mighty God who is in control of ALL things.  This did not take God by suprise and His grace is sufficient in all things.  That does not mean it will be easy for any inolved, but God is not interested in our comfort He is more concerned with making us more in His image. 
My choice would not have been for Makenna to grow up with out a daddy.  The choice was not mine to make and I am clinging to His promises found in the Word. 
     "All things work together to the good for those who are called according to  His purpose."
What good is going to come from this I may never know but God knows.  Once again I am reminded, even this high control OCD person is not in control God is. Praise God He is in control not me.

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