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Thursday, May 19, 2011

Makenna's last day of school

This year at school has been a year of and downs for Makenna. However, she finally settled into a routine that she was comfortable with. She learned many things this year such as:her colors,shapes, service jobs such as firemen and policemen, and lots and lots of songs. Along the way she learned to play better with other children, how to potty on her own, to carry her own backpack--everyone knows that is what big girls do.--I have seen her grow from a baby to a little girl that is developing such a spirit of independece.I know this is all in God's plan but where did the time go.

Ms B came in after Christmas and it took Makenna some time to adjust to Ms B but in the end it was all good. Ms B knew exactly what to do with that precious strong will little girl who wanted to do what she wanted to do when she wanted to do it. Thank you Ms B for coming along side us and re-enforcing obedience. Makenna has also learned so much about Jesus and His love for her this year. That is the most important thing she will ever learn in life. Where has the time gone and where did my baby girl go. Growing up is happening all to quickly for me. I do not want to miss one minute of her life. It is with a grateful and thankful heart that I say thank you Ms B and Mrs. Winnie for investing in my sweet baby girls life this year. For that I am forever grateful. You taught her so much.

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