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Monday, July 11, 2011

Many choices to make

As I was in Lifeway looking for a new Bible study to start I once again amazed at God's sense of humor.  Life has been tough through the trials of the last five years and where did He lead me as far as studies are concerned: The Frazzled Female and Jonah- you cannot escape life's interruptions.  Oh my word how He knows me and knows exactly what I need at this very point in my life.

        I first started the Frazzled Female and the very first very words I read was the memory verse for the week. 
                          "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto you." Matthew 6:33

The first words I heard through that scripture was a direct action verb directed at me:  Seek YE--Yes Lord I hear you speaking to me.  I want to seek You.  Show me how in every way every day.

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