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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Day 2

I just called the ICU to see how Mother did last night. She is stable and was all night. They had to keep her sedated because she was trying to take the IV out. Continue to pray for her today. I will visit at 8:30 and update again after that visit.

5:41am via mobile.

Got to see Mother this morning. Her arterial blood gases are good so they will be taking breathing tube out before we visit at noon. Her color is good. She is responding to some commands: squeezing hands, shaking her head when ask a question. Very aggravated because she cannot talk through the breathing tube. I felt good after visiting this morning. Now I am waiting to talk to Dr.

 10:03am via mobile.

Just got to visit Mother. She has been off the floor since visitation this morning having a CT scan, trypenin test, and they took the breathing tube out. She was moving a lot which is a good thing according to the nurses. I will know the results from the trypenin test when I visit at 5:30. The CT scan results were just as the Dr expected. She is breathing completely on her own.

1:50pm via mobile.

We in to see Mother a few minutes ago. She stuck her tongue out at me and said Walmart and paper. She is responding to some commands. The trypenin test was within normal range. Will be doing a swallow test tomorrow.

 6:36pm via mobile.

Just visited with Mother. Her pressure is 9 which tells how much swelling she has. They want it to be 20 or less. Nurse was pleased. Tomorrow they will do a swallow test. Her blood pressure has been good all day today. The nurse told me even though she was a very small lady she was strong and a fighter. Praise the Lord she is such a fighter.

 9:53pm via mobile.

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