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Sunday, April 24, 2011

Hippity Hoppity Easter is here

 With amazement, Makenna did not know what to check out first in her Easter basket, that is until she saw the chocolate.  The girl loves chocolate.  Earlier in the week she told Mamma Kim she needed chocolate. 

 Dora and Boots are always a hit for Makenna and all mammas involved because the mammas are so tired of all the Dora DVD's we have.  It is pretty bad when you have watched them so many times that a 2 year old knows all of the dialog.
 I just love child like excitement of an innocent child.  Makenna's eyes just dance with excitement.  I hope she never loses that excitement for life.
 Candy, Candy, Candy what more could a girl ask for?

 Easter Baskets, bunnies, and candy are all fun at Easter but we never want to be remiss in teaching Makenna the true meaning of Easter, Resurrection Sunday.  Jesus died so we  may live, the empty tomb is there to prove He lives. Praise God!
Mamma and Makenna enjoy a few minutes together before getting dressed for church.

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