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Sunday, April 24, 2011

The M & M War

 Gillian and Drew brought Makenna a basket full of goodies for Easter.  As Makenna was looking through her basket, Drew spotted the M & M's and took a little bag for himself.  He chewed on the bag for a few minutes then decided he needed all the M's that Makenna had.  As you can imagine a struggle ensued.  He was going to get those little chocolate jewels one way or another even if he had to push Makenna out of the way to get them.  This was so funny as I watched him cram his mouth full of candy.  Mimi tried to get him and he kept grabbing them and stuffing his hands and mouth full.  Gillian could not believe how he was stuffing his mouth full.  Mamma Kim has the proof that he too loves chocolate or as Makenna calls it chockie.

 Makenna is telling Drew to leave her M's alone, they are hers but he does not seem to be bothered that they are hers. He is going to have them no matter who they belong to.
 I bet these will not be saved in his fat jaws like he saves his veggies sometimes.
 The proof is in the pictures the boy loves chockie as well as his cousin and she did not teach him to like them.  He just instinctively knew to love them.  How could he not, his whole family would rather have sweets than meals.
Umm it sure was good while it lasted.  It just did not last long enough.

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